Modern Glass Textures + Shader [MCPE 1.5>]

Modern glass is very different from vanilla and the difference lies in the fact that the updated glass is much cleaner and has no frames around. Pay attention to the screenshots and try to imagine the original glass by understanding all the differences. In fact, any modern house / palace or structure can’t do without a beautiful glass.

Modern Glass Textures + Shader MCPE 1.5

Shader and some features

A small bonus for Android and iOS owners: the shader built into the pack improves the overall appearance of the glass meaning smoothness of colors.

Modern Glass Textures + Shader MCPE 1.5

No frames, just forget about them and no details on the glass itself. Now your windows are clean without unnecessary things.

Modern Glass installation:

  1. Download the file the link below.
  2. Open the .mcpack file using Minecraft PE.

Download Modern Glass Textures + Shader for MCPE 1.5>


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  1. JASON says:


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