Minecraft 1.14.2 — Release

We present you the next update called Village & Pillage. The first information about this appeared at the Minecon Earth 2018 conference where almost the entire Mojang team gathered. To date, there aren’t many details, but the general trend is indicated and the development will take place with reference to it.

Minecraft PC 1-14

As the name suggests, the main focus will be on villages. Minecraft 1.14 will acquire a new hostile pillage faction. They are very united by the common goal of robbing and killing civilians. Perhaps this’ll be the development of illagers, which include mobs from forest mansions (vindicators and evokers).


In addition, the taiga is included in the list of things to change (this is the biome chosen during the audience vote during Minecon). Officially, Moyang didn’t tell us the version number for the Village and Pillage update.

There is an assumption that the first beta version 1.14 will be released by the end of 2018, in which there will be only a part of the changes. The update itself will be released in the first half of next year at number Minecraft 1.15.

Minecraft PC 1-14


Updating villages is the main task of this update. Changes affect buildings and peasants, while they’ll be different in different biomes. For example, villagers in cold biomes will wear warm clothes while southern villagers are wearing shirts.

Minecraft-1-14 Minecraft-1-14


Pillager is an evil type of a villager, they’ll attack villages and kill the peasants in Minecraft Java 1.14. As a weapon will use crossbows.

Ravager (in the past was called the beast) is something like a bull in armor with a saddle. Attacks villages with pillagers.

Panda is a neutral mob that can be pissed off and then the panda’s eyes turn red and it’ll attack the player. There’ll also be a rare variant of the brown panda.

New villager types for different biomes. Improved trading.

Cats and ocelots are different mobs. New types of cats. Tameable cats spawning in villages. Cats will scare off the phantom mobs.

Minecraft-1.14 Minecraft-1.14


Crossbows. More powerful than a bow but reload slower. Special enchantments will be provided for them:

  • Multi-Shot
  • Fast Reloading
  • Other enchantments about which there is no information

Bamboo. It is eaten by pandas and can be used as scaffolding

Berries. Grow on bushes



Smooth sandstone steps

Smooth sandstone slabs

Sandstone walls

Bamboo and bamboo shoots; generated in bamboo thickets in the jungle biome

Scaffolding. Can be created from bamboo, are used to quickly climb

Bushes (in the taiga biome, berries source)

Added new building blocks: cut red sandstone and cut sandstone

Minecraft-1.14 Minecraft-1.14 Minecraft-1.14

New mechanisms

Blast Furnace. This is a furnace with increased ore melting rate. It’ll save you a lot of time if you’re processing mined ore.

Barrel. Do you have a lot of fluid that you need to store somewhere? These barrels can hold liquid or ordinary items that you put there.

<!— Hot —>

Smoker. Useful cooking mechanism accelerates the cooking of food in comparison with a conventional furnace.

Minecraft 1.14 - New mechanisms Minecraft 1.14 - New mechanisms Minecraft 1.14 - New mechanisms Minecraft 1.14 - New mechanisms Minecraft 1.14 - New mechanisms

Villager’s behavior

Among other things, 1.14.0 is also a global behavioral update. From now on, every villager won’t just stand and sniff, but go about their business. Each village is inhabited by a blacksmith, archer, librarian, farmer and many other peasants with a certain profession.

Village & Pillage

They can talk to each other, go to work and go home, sleep, or use blocks and objects. Watch them, this is interesting.

Minecraft Java 1.14 — Village & Pillage

A bit more

There are a number of things that were not mentioned at Minecon, but which are likely to be implemented in Minecraft 1.14.

Refinement of the world generation system.

The “Custom” world type will return to the game.

Create your own world generators and add them as data-packs.

Improved water physics, suggesting that water as a block will be completely removed from Minecraft Java (it’ll be solely a block property).

New textures. The developers didn’t say the version where we’ll see the new textures. But it’s quite possible that we’re talking about Minecraft Java Edition 1.14.

Brown Mooshrooms.

Illusioner will finally find some meaning and join the pillager team.

Minecraft-Java-1.14 Minecraft-Java-1.14 Minecraft-Java-1.14

Youtube announcement

Minecraft 1.14.2

  • Improved lighting
  • Raid correction
  • Many bugfixes

Minecraft 1.14.1

  • Improved game performance
  • Bugfixes

Minecraft 1.14 — Pre-Release 1/2/3/4/5

  • Better performance
  • Less bugs
  • The ability to delete some cached data in your worlds
  • Nether portal improvements
  • Huge bugfix

Full Changelog

  1. Added bamboo and bamboo jungle
  2. New mobs: pandas / illagers / ravager (beasts) / Jellie cat
  3. Convenient editing of books
  4. New weapons: crossbows
  5. New decorative blocks and dyes: cut red sandstone & cut sandstone
  6. New flowers
  7. Loom
  8. New banner patterns
  9. New food
  10. Now leaves drops sticks
  11. Scorched bushes can be used as fuel
  12. Distributor with scissors added can shear sheep
  13. Updated villages with new structures
  14. Berries
  15. Wave assault raids
  16. Scripting improvements
  17. New villager textures
  18. Barrels
  19. Smelter
  20. Smoker
  21. Campfires
  22. New trading and interface for it
  23. Realistic villagers behavior
  24. New structures: outposts

Minecraft 1.14 release date

04. 09: First pre-release

04. 22: 1.14.0 Release

05. 06: 1.14.1 Release

05. 27: 1.14.2 Release

Download Minecraft 1.14.0
Download Minecraft 1.14.0 Server
Download Minecraft 1.14.1
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Download Minecraft 1.14.2
Download Minecraft 1.14.2 Server


63 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)

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7 Responses

  1. Phạm Trần Thùy Ninh says:


  2. nika says:


  3. maal nazeel says:

    nice job

  4. xx_marwan is hacer_xx says:

    wow it is amazing game

  5. BLUE says:

    this game is so fun

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