Inner Core Engine / Horizon (MCPE )

Inner Core is the ideal environment for creating and developing mods in Minecraft PE. It’s very similar to BlockLauncher, but it has many advantages. When developing, the creator took into account many problems of BL and added huge opportunities for mod developers, so if you want to write a mod then pay attention to this engine.

Created by Qwertbox Bobylev

Inner Core Engine / Horizon

What is Inner Core / Horizon?

  • Huge MCPE modding environment with extensive tools
  • Mods are well compatible with each other
  • Ability to install many mods at once
  • Fast processing speed
  • A wide range of tools (both in the technical and in the graphical component)
  • The ideal basis for creating technical modifications

It’s worth noting that Inner Core does not require installed MCPE, the game is already built in and you just need to install the application itself.



    • A new Inner Core update has been released on the main and test packs. This update fixed a lot of different bugs and issues, and also added several new API methods.

Inner Core or Horizon Installation

  1. Download the app and install.
  2. To install any IC mod, you need to insert the file into the games/com.mojang/mods folder.


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  1. ZAKARYA says:


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