Realistic Torches [MCBE]

In the past, you would need to craft about 30 torches to fully explore a deep cave and this is provided that the cave is not the largest of those generated in MC: BE. At that moment miners regret that torches do not emit light at that moment when they are in the player’s hand. Let’s try to fix it with Realistic Torches Addon which adds one important function.

Created by Keyyard

How do torches work?

The bottom line is that now the active torch in the player’s hands sets the day if you chose it at night. The addon does so that the active torch automatically activates the night vision potion so you’ll see everything that happens around.

Realistic Torches [Minecraft BE]

This is different from what was presented for Minecraft: PE a few years ago. Light emission was created using a script unlike this addon but even this way you can easily wander through the caves or take night walks.

Realistic Torches Addon installation:

  1. Download the file (.mcpack).
  2. Open the pack via Minecraft PE.

Download Realistic Torches for Minecraft BE 1.5


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