Minecraft PE Beta – New Chickens, Cactus Flower, Dry Grass

This update brings two new chicken variants, a beautiful cactus flower, and dry grass to enhance the natural aesthetics of sandy biomes.

New Features in Minecraft PE

1. Two New Chicken Variants

The beloved chicken is getting two new regional variants that add diversity to your farms and wild encounters:

  • Cold Chicken: Found in cold biomes, this variant sports blue-gray feathers and lays blue eggs. It thrives in snowy and icy regions, adding a chilly aesthetic to your world.
  • Warm Chicken: Found in warm biomes like deserts and savannas, this variant has brown plumage and lays brown eggs. It blends into the sandy terrain, making it a perfect addition to warm regions.

Both new chickens behave just like the standard variant but bring fresh colors and new egg types to MCPE!

Minecraft PE Beta

2. Cactus Flower

A delightful new plant, the cactus flower, is now growing atop cactuses in deserts and badlands. This bright bloom adds a touch of color to the arid landscape and comes with several functional uses:

  • Attracts bees, making it useful for beekeeping in desert biomes.
  • Can be crafted into pink dye, offering a new dye source for customization.
  • Grows naturally on cactus blocks with a chance of spawning instead of a cactus growing taller.
  • Compostable, helping players create more bone meal.

3. Dry Grass

The dry, barren landscapes of desserts and badlands now feel more alve with the introduction of short and tall dry grass. These new vegetation variants make desert biomes in Minecraft Bedrock feel more dynamic and realistic:

  • Two types: Short dry grass and tall dry grass.
  • Naturally generates in deserts and badlands.
  • Can be grown with bone meal, similar to standard grass.
  • Sheep can eat it to regrow wool
  • Used as fuel providing another burning material.

Expanded Biome-Based Animal Variants

Animal variants now follow biome tags more accurately. Beta ensures that animals spawned by eggs or commands match their environment better, adding more natural variation to different regions of the world.

With these updates, every biome feels richer and more distinct. Get ready to experience new challenges and creative opportunities in Minecraft PE!


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