Minecraft Bedrock Edition Changelog
Experimental Features
Recipe Unlocking
- We tested having a notification that informed you about new ways of creating recipes you’ve already unlocked. It didn’t feel helpful. Do you know how many ways there are to make sticks?! Yeah, a lot. We are removing this version of the unlocking notification
- Spectator mode is for spectating. Not unlocking recipes! With this fix recipes won’t unlock when you’re in spectator mode
- Unlocking a new recipe no longer sets the inventory toggle option to be “All”. The craftable toggle will now reliably stay the way you left it
Sneak and Crawl
- Fixed an issue that caused players to automatically sneak while on ladders
- Fixed a bug that caused the player to get stuck at the top of a ladder when sneaking
- Crawling head rotation no longer follows camera rotation directly
- Fixed an issue where Swift Sneak did not increase Crawling speed
- Fixed an issue where legacy Crawling was not working correctly with the Sneak and Crawl toggle turned off
- Fixed an issue where mobs did not have the correct collision box when spawning
- Short Sneaking has now been ‘de-experimentified’ and is available during normal gameplay
- Crawling animation is no longer triggered while gliding below blocks
- Players can now be forced into sneak/crawl state while flying
Features and Bug Fixes
- Fixed player capes not properly flapping when moving forward but looking sideways (fixed for real this time!)
- Reduce cases where players might see ‘Unable to connect’ errors due to ‘Expired Auth from Discovery’
- Fixed issues with unresponsive or laggy input when using Mouse together with a Controller
Mouse Input
- Improved handling of simultaneous mouse clicks, triggering each individual associated action/response
- Text-to-speech narrator will now say “Slash button” when hovering over the “/” button in the chat screen
- Default chat duration now set to 10 seconds while default toast notification duration remains at 3 seconds
- Text-to-speech Narrator now reads item names when selecting items in the hotbar
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to switch mounts without first manually dismounting
- Pumpkin, Carved Pumpkin and Lit Pumpkin “minecraft:cardinal_direction” state string is now accepted during a world update
- Mushrooms are now able to spawn on fallen tree trunks
- Conduit now has the correct lighting when placed on ground
- Recipe for crafting barrels with sticks is removed
- Entities no longer continue to freeze without Powder Snow if there is a Powder Snow block near the west & north side
Chiseled Bookshelf
- The correct sound effect is now played when removing an enchanted Book from Chiseled Bookshelf
- Chiseled Bookshelf slot interactions are now symmetrical
- Boats retain the ability to carry passengers when upgraded to Trails and Tales
- Boats that were affected by this bug can once again carry passengers
User Interface
- Cursor no longer snaps to a random inventory slot using a controller
- Horse and Donkey jump bar, and camel dash bar, now scale properly to experience bar
- /time querycommand will now return the correct day and time of day when the absolute time is negative
Technical Updates
Dedicated Server
- Fixed invalid entries in allowlist.json causing crash
Add-Ons and Script Engine
- Actually fixed the bug that caused player capes to stop flapping when moving forward but looking sideways in the query.cape_flap_amount by switching the rotation used from the player’s looking rotation to the player’s body rotation
- Observer blocks use state “minecraft:facing_direction” instead of “facing_direction”. “minecraft:facing_direction” uses string values (“down”, “up”, “north”, “south”, “east”, “west”)
- Custom entities are no longer restricted to overriding Vanilla entities released before 1.20. All Vanilla entities can be used in the “identifier” or “runtime_identifier” field, including Camel and Sniffer.
- Released the “minecraft:shooter” item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
- Released the “minecraft:throwable” item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
- Released the “minecraft:projectile” item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
- Released the “minecraft:can_destroy_in_creative” item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
- Released the “minecraft:hover_text_color” item component out of experimental in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
The Editor is in early development, and available for keyboard/mouse on Windows PC Bedrock Preview builds.
- Fixed a bug where error messages related to initial script loading were not being displayed in the log panel
- /scriptEvent command can now be used in the editor without the need to enable the Beta APIs experiments
- Fixed a bug where the viewport scaling was not working correctly on devices that use D3D11
Experimental Technical Updates
- Dynamic Property identifiers are now limited to 1024 characters.
- Removed MinecraftEffectTypes defined in @minecraft/server. See @minecraft/vanilla-data NPM package for an equivalent.
Moved several APIs to stable 1.3.0:
- Moving tryTeleport(location: Vector3, duration: number, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) to 1.3.0
- Moving teleport(location: Vector3, options: ScriptTeleportOptions) to 1.3.0
- Moved function getComponent to 1.3.0
- Moved world event PlayerJoinAfterEvent to 1.3.0
- Moved world event PlayerLeaveAfterEvent to 1.3.0
- Moved world event PlayerSpawnAfterEvent to 1.3.0
- Moved EntityComponent EntityHealableComponent to 1.3.0
- Moved EntityComponent EntityHealthComponent to 1.3.0
- Moved class FeedItem to 1.3.0
- Moved class FeedItemEffect to 1.3.0
- Moving addEffect(effectType: string | EffectType, duration: number, options: EntityEffectOptions) to 1.3.0
- Moved getEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) to 1.3.0
- Moved getEffects to 1.3.0
- Moved removeEffect(effectType: string | EffectType) to 1.3.0
- AfterEvents
- Moving ButtonPushEvent to 1.3.0
- Moving LeverActivateEvent to 1.3.0
- Moved function spawnEntity to 1.3.0
- Moved function spawnItem to 1.3.0
Spawn Point Updates:
- Removed function clearSpawn
- Removed property spawnDimension
- Added function getSpawnPoint: DimensionLocation | undefined– Returns the player’s spawn point
- Added function setSpawnPoint(spawnPoint?: DimensionLocation): void– Sets the player’s spawn point, or clears it if spawnPoint is undefined
- Renamed function getDefaultSpawnPosition to getDefaultSpawnLocation
- Renamed function setDefaultSpawn to setDefaultSpawnLocation
- DimensionLocation
- Added new interface DimensionLocation– Represents a location in a dimension
- Added hasParticipant function to ScoreboardObjective.
- The following functions in ScoreboardObjective can now accept Entity or string types as participants:
- getScore
- setScore
- removeParticipant
- Removed getScore, setScore from ScoreboardIdentity and Scoreboard.
Removed the removeFromObjective function from ScoreboardIdentity.
- Fixed bug where scoreboard values would not be updated on the client when updated from script.
- Raycasting
- Changed function getBlockFromRay
- Changed return type from Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined
- Changed function getEntitiesFromRay
- Changed return type from Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[]
- Changed function getBlockFromViewDirection
- Changed return type from Block to BlockRaycastHit | undefined
- Changed function getEntitiesFromViewDirection
- Changed return type from Entity[] to EntityRaycastHit[]
- Added interface BlockRaycastHit
- Added interface EntityRaycastHit
- Changed function getBlockFromRay
- Renamed leverActivate after event to leverAction
- Removed class EntityHitAfterEvent.
- Added class EntityHitBlockAfterEvent
- Added class EntityHitEntityAfterEvent
- Class WorldAfterEvents
- Removed property entityHit
- Added property entityHitBlock
- Added property entityHitEntity
- Added helper function isValid to several classes in order to check if the object is valid. This can safely be used on any handle to a native object before accessing or using the object, to ensure the underlying object still exists and is valid to use.
- Block (checks the block is a valid position in bounds and the containing chunk is loaded & ticking)
- Container (checks the relevent container inventory exists and is valid)
- Effect (checks the owning entity is valid and the effect exists on that entity)
- ScreenDisplay (checks the owning player is valid)
- ScoreboardObjective (checks the objective entry exists and is attached to a valid scoreboard)
- Entity (checks that the entity exists in the world. Will return true if the entity is dead)
- Player
- SimulatedPlayer (Note simulated players do not automatically get removed from the world, so isValid will return true long after they are dead)
- ContainerSlot (checks the item context is valid: Container exists in the world, such as the owning entity, and the slot is within the container bounds)
- Already existed as a readonly property, changed to a method for consistency
- Component
- EntityAttributeComponent (checks the owning entity is valid and the attribute exists on the entity)
- BlockLiquidContainerComponent (checks block exists and is a valid cauldron type)
- Added read only method isValidLiquid which checks if the liquid in the cauldron matches the component in question (EG. BlockLavaContainerComponent checks for lava liquid)
- EntityComponent (checks the owning entity exists)
- ItemComponent (checks the owning item exists)
- World
- Renamed getTime to getTimeOfDay.
- Renamed setTime to setTimeOfDay.
- setTimeOfDay now accepts a TimeOfDay enum as an argument.
- The timeOfDay argument for setTime must now be within 0-23999 (inclusive).
- Added getDay
Updated the following enums’ values to be PascalCase instead of camelCase:
- ClipboardMirrorAxis
- ClipboardRotation
- HttpRequestMethod
- FormCancelationReason
- Direction
- DisplaySlotId
- EntityLifetimeState
- FluidType
- ObjectiveSortOrder
- ScoreboardIdentityType
- ScriptEventSource
- SignSide
- WatchdogTerminateReason
- WeatherType
Experimental Cameras
- Camera preset JSON now supports an optional bool ‘player_effects’ value which causes game rendering to use player effect state (for example night vision) when this preset is active. Added the “example:example_player_effects” preset to demonstrate this
- Camera command can now take a ‘facing’ option instead of a ‘rot’ option with a target entity or position specified
- Fixed custom cameras to not use the ‘inside block’ effect when player head is inside a block
- Deprecate “minecraft:render_offsets” component in json formats 1.20.10 and higher
- Changed charging action behavior in “minecraft:shooter” to match Vanilla crossbow Changed shooting behavior for a charged “minecraft:shooter” with an empty inventory/offhand to successfully shoot the charged ammunition
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