Dark Roleplay Mod [Minecraft 1.12.1]

Immerse yourself in the world of the Middle Ages, along with objects from that period. The Dark Roleplay Mod adds a huge number of objects divided into categories and intended for domestic use. There are new chairs and tables, lamps and candles, antique dishes, barrels for storing liquids, new food, mechanisms and much more. You will get tired of looking at everything that this mod adds. It will perfectly decorate any medieval structure and also the mod and thematic maps perfectly compatible with each other.

Created by: JTK222

Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft

Dark Roleplay features:

  • More than 250 new items.
  • New sounds and the use of mechanisms.
  • New food and ways of cooking.
  • All items have detailed textures.
  • Frequent updates for current versions of Minecraft.
  • There are German and English languages.

Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft Dark Roleplay Mod Minecraft

Dark Roleplay showcase:


  1. Move the folder here ./minecraft/mods after you have downloaded the mod.
  2. Minecraft Forge must be installed.

Download Dark Roleplay Mod [Minecraft 1.12]
Download Dark Roleplay Mod [Minecraft 1.12.1]


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