Minecraft PE WoodEdit

When you are engaged in construction for a long time, structure by structure, you come to the idea how to speed up and simplify the construction process. In fact, there are different tools for quickly adding shapes or copying, inserting and moving objects in MCPE.

Minecraft PE WoodEdit

One such tool is WoodEdit. This is an analogue of WorldEdit PE, which has already proven itself as the best supplement for building a huge number of structures.

Minecraft PE WoodEdit

With WoodEdit, you can:

  • Add geometric shapes filled with a specific block
  • Make editing (insert, copy, tilt or move objects)
  • It’s easy to add separate parts from other worlds

Minecraft PE WoodEdit

How to use?

You will need a set of wooden editing tools. Also WoodEdit contains commands for quick loading or saving the result. Take the wooden stick and select the two blocks diagonally to select the area. Then try each tool in turn to understand their purpose.

Minecraft PE WoodEdit

WoodEdit Mod installation:

  1. Install BlockLauncher and run it.
  2. Click on the wrench at the top of the screen and select ModPE.
  3. Then add the name.js file and restart the game.

Download Minecraft PE WoodEdit for MCPE


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