Trails Bedrock Addon [1.21.70]
Ever wanted to leave a lasting impression with every step you take in Minecraft PE? This Trails Addon for Bedrock of Minecraft is here to make that happen! Want to emit mystical dust, fiery sparks, or floating cherry leaves, this addon lets you customize your footstep effects like never before. Now, walking isn’t just movement, it’s a statement!
How It Works
Trails is easy to use and fully compatible with multiplayer, allowing every player to personalize their trailsin MCPE.
Activating Trrrails
- Start or resume:
/function start_trrrails
- Pause the effect:
/function stop_trrrails
Selecting a Trail
- Add a trail:
/tag @s add {particle name}
- Remove a trail:
/tag {target} remove {trail_name}
Available Trail Effects
- Magical effects: endrod, totem, portal, soul, sculk soul
- Elemental effects: flame, water evaporation bucket, redstone, wither
- Nature-inspired trails: cherry leaves particle, crop growth, snow
- Unique options: angry villager, ballon gas, campfire smok particle
Trails Bedrock makes every step in Minecraft PE 1.21 more immersive.
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