More Body Actions Addon [v3.0.0] [1.20]

More Body Actions is a new name for an advanced animation addon that makes many of the movements from everyday life possible in game. For 1.20 and later versions, this one gives only the most necessary actions that differ both visually and in functionality. In total, it works with 4 actions, but each has a lot of fine-tuning and elaboration.

Actions possible with this addon

You can now sit instead of faking it, lie down and also crawl [the latest version allows you to climb walls]. Each action has some limitations inherent in real ones. For example, you will fall down climbing a wall for more than 15 seconds. Crawling allows you to crawl through 1x blocks [available for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition 1.20.20+ in game].

Do the following

  1. To sit down look as far down as possible and tap sneaking
  2. To lie down look as far up as possible and tap sneaking
  3. To start crawling sit down and walk forward
  4. To grasp onto a wall approach it closely, look slightly upwards and jump

More Body Actions Addon

More Body Actions Addon Installation

  1. Download the file and open it via Minecraft
  2. Go to the global resources and enable the pack


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