Fastest XP Farm for Minecraft Bedrock Edition [Tutorial]

This farm will help you reach level 30 in just 1 minute in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, fully AFK. It’s simple to build and uses creative mechanics to generate vast amounts of XP.

Fastest XP Farm

Materials Required

  • 1 Stone Brick (orientation matters)
  • 1 Sand Block
  • Several Dirt Blocks
  • 1 Trapdoor
  • 1 Anvil
  • 1 Name Tag
  • 1 Composter
  • Rails (for transporting armadillos)
  • Spider Eyes (to attract armadillos)
  • 1 Smooth Stone Block
  • 4 Armadillos
  • 1 Leaf Block
  • 3 Glass Blocks
  • 1 Fence
  • Water Bucket
  • Redstone Dust (4 pieces)
  • 1 Redstone Comparator
  • 2 Building Blocks
  • 3 Tridents
  • 1 Dispenser
  • Splash Potions of Infestation (fill the dispenser)
  • 1 Lever
  • 1 Cactus

Steps to Build the XP Farm

Step 1: Initial Setup

  1. Find an open area to build your farm.
  2. Dig a hole 1 block down and place a stone brick inside it.

    Note: Pay attention to the orientation of the stone brick.

  3. Place a sand block next to the stone brick.
  4. Remove the stone brick after placing the sand.

Step 2: Prepare the Zombie Trap

  1. Surround the hole with dirt blocks in the following pattern:
    • Place dirt blocks around the sand in a square shape.
    • Add two layers of dirt blocks on top of the first layer.
  2. Place a trapdoor at the top of the hole.
  3. Wait for night and lure a zombie to your farm.
  4. Stand over the hole so the zombie falls inside.
  5. Close the trapdoor and place a block above the hole to trap the zombie.
  6. Remove all the dirt blocks surrounding the hole.

Step 3: Name the Zombie

  1. Use an anvil to rename the name tag to anything you like.
  2. Apply the name tag to the trapped zombie to prevent it from despawning.
  3. Remove the trapdoor.

Step 4: Add Composter and Dirt Ramp

  1. Place a composter next to the smooth stone block.
  2. Use dirt blocks to create a staircase leading up to the composter.
  3. Place rails along the dirt staircase for transportation.

Step 5: Transport and Trap the Armadillos

  1. Use spider eyes to attract armadillos to your farm.

    Armadillos will curl into a ball when they get close.

  2. Use a minecart to transport the armadillos:
    • Push them up the dirt ramp.
    • Break the minecart once they’re inside the composter.
  3. Repeat until you have 4 armadillos inside the composter.
  4. Remove the rails and dirt staircase after the armadillos are secured.

Step 6: Build the XP Farm Mechanism

  1. Place a leaf block on top of the smooth stone block.
  2. Add a trapdoor behind the leaf block.
  3. Place two glass blocks on either side of the leaf block.
  4. Use a temporary block to place a fence in front of the farm.
  5. Waterlog the leaf block by pouring a water bucket onto it.

Step 7: Add Redstone and Tridents

  1. Extend the glass platform by two blocks in front of the waterlogged leaf block.
  2. Add a building block at the front of the platform.
  3. Climb on top of the structure and:
    • Place a lever on the building block.
    • Add a redstone comparator with the light switched on.
    • Place 3 redstone dust leading from the comparator.
    • Add 2 building blocks nearby and place 1 redstone dust on top of one of them.
  4. Add another trapdoor on top of the fence and launch 3 tridents on it.
    • Test if the tridents fall by giving the trapdoor a wiggle.
    • If the tridents don’t fall, break the trapdoor, allowing the tridents to rest on the lower trapdoor.

Step 8: Add Dispenser

  1. Replace one of the glass blocks with a dispenser.
  2. Attach a lever to the back of the dispenser.
  3. Fill the dispenser with splash potions of infestation.

Step 9: Final Adjustments

  1. Place a cactus at the bottom of the farm (don’t worry, the armadillos won’t die).
  2. Create an AFK spot near the farm where you can stand and collect XP.

Using the Farm

  1. Start the farm:
    • Flick the first lever to activate the trapdoor mechanism.
    • Flick the second lever to start the dispenser and begin farming XP.
  2. Stand in the AFK spot to collect XP as the farm operates.

Video Tutorial


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