Defined Realism Pack [1.11.2/1.12]

Defined Realism is a mixture of vanilla and upgraded textures that led to a sharper and brighter appearance. If before the world looked duller, the blocks did not stand out so much from the general mass, but now every object in Minecraft has received certain changes.

Created by Creativly

Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft

Honestly this is not such a realistic pack as you could imagine, but Defined Realism seeks a harmony between color balance and details. Screenshots show the main changes if you come close enough. As you can see, there is no super-high quality, accordingly this resource pack is compatible with any PC that can run Minecraft.

Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft Defined Realism Pack Minecraft

Defined Realism Pack installation:

  1. Move the pack folder here ./minecraft/resourcepacks.
  2. Turn on the pack in the game settings.

Download Defined Realism Pack for MC 1.11.2/1.12


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