Ocean’s Delight PE Addon [1.21.51+]

Are you ready to spice up your Minecraft: BE culinary adventures? The Ocean’s Delight PE is here to take your taste buds and your gameplay to new depths! This seafood-themed addon is a must-try. By introducing a variety of delicious marine based dishes, Ocean’s Delight enriches MCPE and makes every dive into the ocean more exciting. Let’s explore what makes this mod a perfect catch!

What is Cooking in Ocean’s Delight?

This mod brings a bounty of seafood meals that celebrate the creatures of the deep. Here’s a taste of what’s on the menu:

  • Savory Starters: Tentacle on a Stick, Squid Rings, Seagrass Salad
  • Hearty Mains: Stuffed Cod, Guardian Soup, Cabbage-Wrapped Elder Guardian
  • Exotic Flavors: Fugu Roll, Braised Sea Pickle, Honey Fried Kelp
  • Specialty Cuts: Cooked Guardian Tail, Slice of Elder Guardian, Roll of Elder Guardian

From crispy fried kelp to stuffed cod, there’s a dish to suit every palette. Each recipe requires players to engage in various activities – fishing, farming, and cooking – offering a rewarding gameplay experience.

Ocean's Delight PE Addon


With Ocean’s Delight PE, food isn’t just about survival; it’s about thriving creatively. These meals provide unique effects, boost your hunger bar, and add a layer of immersion to your adventures. Gater the ingredients, prepare your kitchen, and turn your oceanic expeditions into a flavorful feast.


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