Item Rarity Bedrock Pack v1.1

For many players, keeping track of which item is rare and which one is common can be a bit tricky. Thankfully, there’s a solution that makes it easier to spot the value of your items – theItem Rarity pack. With this MCPE pack, you no longer need to guess or check item descriptions manually. The tooltip automatically adjusts to highlight the rarity of an item in a clear and visually appealing way.

Item Rarity Bedrock Pack v1.1

No subpacks are required—everything works automatically, so you can jump right into your game without any hassle.

Key Features of Item Rarity Bedrock

  • Item Rarity Highlights: The tooltip background changes color based on the rarity of the item you’re viewing.
    • Yellow for Uncommon items
    • Blue for Rare items
    • Magenta for Epic items
  • Dynamic Borders: The tooltip border also changes according to the item’s rarity, making it even easier to distinguish between different types of items at a glance.

This pack makes understanding item rarity in Minecraft PE more intuitive and enjoyable.


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