Alylica’s Item Pets Addon v1.1

Ever wished for a Minecraft: PE companion that could boost your abilities and make survival more exciting? Item Pets is an enchanting new addon for Minecraft Bedrock with 12 collectible pets in the form of items. Start your hunt, collect them all, and let your pets become the ultimate survival companions!

Alylica's Item Pets Addon

Features you get

Your Item Pets come to life when placed in your hotbar – their abilities are inactive when stored elsewhere, like in a chest or your inventory. While active, pets either perform passive abilities over time or grant powerful skills when held and activated.

As pets work, their energy meter below the icon will deplete. When energy runs out, your pet takes a break until you feed it its favorite food, which it will consume automatically from your inventory. Care for your pets to ensure they remain by your side, always ready to lend a helping hand!

All Pets

  • Chicken Pet: Boosts speed, grants slow falling.
  • Slime Pet: Enhances jumping, reduces fall damage.
  • Blaze Pet: Boosts attack power, provides fire immunity.
  • Creeper Pet: Unleashes an explosion.
  • Enderman Pet: Allows instant teleportation.
  • Axolotl Pet: Rapidly heals you.
  • Breeze Pet: Enables levitation by crouching mid-air.
  • Bed Pet: Lets you skip the night instantly.
  • Creaking Pet: Grants damage resistance and slowness.
  • Spider Pet: Enables wall climbing.
  • Squid Pet: Dramatically increases swim speed.
  • Glow Squid Pet: Enhances night vision underwater.

How to find Item Pets

Pets based on mobs can be collected as rare drops when you defeat those mobs – so get ready for some hunting!


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